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Woman Found Dead in Home: ‘She Shot Her 15-Year-Old Son, Then Took Herself’ #finsubito richiedi mutuo fino 100%

She allegedly grabbed a gun and shot her 15-year-old son, leaving him on the brink of death, then pointed it at herself, killing herself with a single shot to the head. It was Alessandra Spiazzi who allegedly fired two shots yesterday afternoon in the villa in Vago di Lavagno, in the Verona area: the first at her son, who had just returned home from school, the second to end it all.

This is the picture that emerged at the end of the investigations by the Carabinieri, coordinated by the Verona Prosecutor’s Office. A story that for a long time seemed like a puzzle, solved only the following day by the Prosecutor’s Office and the Carabinieri. Luciano, 60, Alessandra’s husband and the boy’s father, was at home but did not witness the shooting, which took place in the kitchen of the house.

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He was questioned at length in the barracks, as a witness, and contributed to outlining the possible causes of the tragedy. Alessandra was not well, she had been treated for psychological problems for some time. Lately, however, qualified sources reported, she had stopped taking her medications, and it seems she had skipped her last appointments with specialists. An explosion of violence that is inexplicable, investigators agree, and, in the end, can be placed in the context of that “family drama” that investigators had spoken about last night in a whisper.

The stub test was then decisive, positive on Spiazzi. No other responsibility, no suspect. “At the moment – explained the prosecutor of Verona, Raffaele Tito – the most accredited circumstantial hypothesis is that of the attempted murder of the boy committed by his mother who then committed suicide, the woman had been having health problems for some time”.

The boy is still in desperate conditions. The wound to the back of the head caused by the gunshot is too serious. As reported in the medical bulletin issued today by the Borgo Trento hospital in Verona, where he is hospitalized, the 15-year-old “is in the neurointensive care unit directed by Professor Leonardo Gottin. After the night – it is explained – the patient’s conditions remain very serious and he is being supported pharmacologically and mechanically in all vital functions”.

Arriving at the hospital “in already very serious clinical conditions”, he had been immediately subjected to maximum support therapy. Alessandra Spiazzi had worked as a switchboard operator in a call center, and had recently retired. What was evident from the outside, as described by friends and acquaintances, was the image of a woman very involved in social work, in the initiatives of the association “Mamme volenterose di Lavagno”, which deals with volunteering and the fight against violence.

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There are still some elements to be clarified: the gun of the attempted murder-suicide belonged to the woman’s father (who has since died) but for some reason it had never been returned to the authorities. It is possible that it was not in the villa on Via Galilei, but somewhere else, perhaps in the old family home.


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